Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Another first -- a movie!

A long day - 108 days old
Originally uploaded by jessicafm.
I'm almost afraid to put this in writing, for fear that it will jynx it, but... here I go, tempting fate. The past couple of nights, Davey's been pretty good about being in his crib. He's fussed for 5 minutes or so after being put in the crib, initially, but then fallen asleep after that for 3-1/2 to 4 hours. Then he would wake up, want to eat and then go back to sleep in his crib for another couple hours or so. The biggest problem seems to be getting him to sleep for longer stretches after that first, initial few hours. Ah well -- he's learning. He just obviously likes to be with Mark and I and doesn't like being alone. Hard to blame him, huh?

Something that became noticeable yesterday, and even more so today: A bald spot on the back of Davey's head, about the size of a quarter. It's where he rubs his head back and forth against the crib mattress when he's fussing or trying to put himself to sleep. I'll see if I can get a picture of it to share.

So this morning, upon waking to the daylight with a big smile, we started off on a nice day. I put Davey in his stroller and we went for a walk together to Peet's, for a nice non-fat decaf latte (a "why bother"). He took a good nap while we walked there and while I sat in the sunshine, sipped my coffee and caught up with my grandmother on the phone. When it was time to go, he woke up with smiles and cooed to me while we walked home. What a sweet boy.

One of our neighbor's, Nelson, came by and gave us a gift: thousands of baseball cards. Yow! Nnot that we need t collect more stuff, but hey, this could be a really fun thing for Davey as he grows up. Perhaps it'll even be a good investment down the road, who knows? Davey's first baseball cards!

A little later, I decided it was time to see if it would be possible to go to a movie. I tested this theory with a matinée presentation of "Pursuit of Happyness." Yes, his first movie outing! I figured if he fussed, there wouldn't be many people bothered by it, and I wouldn't have wasted a full price movie ticket. Happily (happYness), I timed the movie just right and it was his afternoon nap time. Through most of the movie he slept, except for a bit of time where he wanted to nurse and when he wanted to sit on my lap to watch the movie. At one point, Will Smith yelled out which started Davey and the pouty lower lip appeared, but he was quickly and easily soothed. Phew!

After the movies, it was a quick stop at the Goodwill drop-box (did you know they don't take light fixtures?) and then in to Target to return the "sleep positioner" that I bought but he doesn't need. The only time he fussed all day was while waiting in line at Target Customer Service. I don't blame him!

Now we're home and he's tired... a day out and about will do that, eh?

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