Monday, March 5, 2007

Bye bye Maternity Leave, hello Sybase!

The first day back to work has come and gone and it was all just fine. Yeah! Once Davey was awake this morning, we got dressed and headed in to the office together. There was some traffic but he had a nice nap on the drive there and I caught up on This American Life via podcast. Once at the office, Davey awoke and was chirpy and cheerful as he met several colleagues as we entered the building. Then time for a snack in my office (yay for locking doors and mini-blinds!), listening in on a conference call and lots more visits from lots more colleagues. Eventually a lunch with Leif, outside in the sun, where Davey took a snooze while Leif and I ate. Then a meeting with my boss to find out the high level first priorities, some more snacks for Davey and the drive home before traffic.

All in all, it wasn't too bad. It seems that they've been awaiting my return and definitely had work ready and waiting for me. I'd better get those gears humming quickly!

Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep tonight and getting through a lot of email and a few jump-start phone calls tomorrow while Mark takes care of Davey. But I'll be doing the work from the office at home so I'll be able to play with and nurse Davey whenever I've got time for a break. Most excellent!!

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