Sunday, November 2, 2008

My little sous chef

Eating molasses ginger cookies, originally uploaded by jessicafm.

In the past few weeks David has become my frequent sous chef. If I neglect/refuse to hold him to look at what I'm cooking or put him on the counter, he'll drag a chair over to the counter so he can stand up and see what's going on. "Help, help, help," he'll plead, meaning he wants to help ME.

Today he helped me bake cookies for the first time. We made some vegan molasses ginger cookies and he was terrific at helping me add ingredients to the dough and roll the dough in to balls. His favorite part, of course, was licking the beater and the finished cookies.

Also today: When he awoke from his nap, rather than cry out for me to come get him, he climbed out of his crib. I only knew that he'd awoken when I heard the handle of his door jiggle and then his feet padding down the hallway. Yikes! Time to convert the crib to a toddler bed ASAP.

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